I'll try not to bore you too much, but stick to a few (truthful!) facts about me. I'm 49 (yikes!), and live
in a small, brick 1940's house in Cincinnati with two cats (Scarlett and Dinah). My hobbies are reading, travel
and gardening. My family consists of one daughter in Montana, six brothers and sisters (all younger), and a whole bunch
of nieces and nephews. In the fall of 2002, I started law school part-time, and just finished my second year
- I have two years to go!
I'd been working in theatre for the past 10 years doing costuming for Cincinnati Opera and Cincinnati Playhouse in the
Park, along with a host of smaller freelance jobs, but decided I wanted to do something that utilized a different part of
my brain. I'm now working as a litigation paralegal for a downtown Cincinnati law firm. If I'm still alive and
coherent in four years, I'll let you know how it went!